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CKP 저자: Mind Map: CKP

1. Motivations

1.1. Overall: help believers gain income thru their business to help them build the Kingdom

1.2. Anthony: -digital marketing for Witthouse & anthonywitt.com -Big Fish: consultation with a part in the business -Outsourcing: consultation income as is comes

1.3. Judah: -Big Fish -Outsourcing: websites, seo, etc as it comes

1.4. Jason: -Big Fish: supplements ministry support -Outsourcing: web design, digital marketing

2. What We've Done:

2.1. Big Fish -Peels -Curtis furniture -Misty School -Backroad Redesigns furniture -Bates Cattle

2.2. Outsourcing -Bates Cattle

2.3. Witthouse

2.4. Anthonywitt.com

3. Ultimate Goal: Big Fish

4. Current Projects

4.1. CPK: -setup -find Big Fish -outsourcing web work

4.1.1. Setup CKP Next Steps: TONY: get CKP bank account, cash Bates check, pay yourself, pay Judah

4.1.2. Podcast: to gain an audience to find outsourcing clients and Big Fish

4.1.3. FB ads: for outsourcing/web side work

4.1.4. Big Fish potentials: -Retreat Center

4.2. Witthouse: -new counselor

4.2.1. renew ad

4.3. Anthonywitt.com: -branding/website

4.3.1. on hold

4.4. Southern Rythmn Cattle: -website

4.4.1. dead

4.5. Floyd Dawson Counseling -local clients, in TN needed -hendersonville, TN

4.6. Midwest Best: Scotty

4.6.1. go over numbers with Scotty

5. Brainstorm

5.1. Lead Generation site

5.2. Furniture Site -Grays -Curtis

5.3. Atomic cake!

5.3.1. Next Steps: -Find out requirements to start a food truck