Gender Equity and Biological Development and Health

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Gender Equity and Biological Development and Health 저자: Mind Map: Gender Equity and Biological Development and Health

1. How

1.1. health affects a child and an adolescents school performance.

1.1.1. Physical activity helps children develop social skills, improve mental health, and is associated with fewer risky behoviors.

1.1.2. Some students do not eat enough food and this can affect the child´s learning ability.

1.1.3. Symptoms similar to TDAH, or children are more likely to be hyperactive, inattentive, and impulsive, sleep poorly, bad grades.

2. the

2.1. gender iniquality

2.1.1. nearly three quarters of a billian of girls do not complete the primary education. because of two reasons the quality of the school is bad

3. stages

3.1. Brain development before birth

3.1.1. both gene expression and enviromental information are essential for normal brain development.

3.2. The pre-natal stages of development

3.2.1. Prenatal development is a period of remarkable change that helps lay the foundation for future psychological development.

4. Biological development

4.1. Children

4.1.1. Development involves general changes in the individual.

4.1.2. Biological development includes stages that start when a baby is still the womb.

4.1.3. Children go through different periods of development as they grow.

5. Gender discrimination

5.1. is

5.1.1. the unfair treatment of girls and the denial of opportunities and the violation of rights. Political factors Political representation and economic participation will improve peace in society Socio-economic factors Poverty is a factor that prevents children and especially girls from accessing education. Socio-cultural factors Some families do not pay attention to girls they do not see them better compared to children.

6. It´s divided in

6.1. Equality

6.1.1. It is the effect of treating each person without difference.

6.2. Equity

6.2.1. It is absolutely necessary that authorities, teachers and parents get involved to select, organize and share knowledge in a way they avoils problems that can cause disadvantages.