PAIN fever & febrile convulsions

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PAIN fever & febrile convulsions 저자: Mind Map: PAIN fever & febrile convulsions

1. Febrile seizures

1.1. Reassure parents: this is common & may not necessarily lead to epilepsy

1.2. Signs: loss of conciousness, twitching/ jerking of limbs, going pale or blue, eyes rolling

1.3. If seizure persists after 5 mins, call ambulance! 000

2. DO NOT USE ASPIRIN ever (Reys syndrome) OR CODIENE!!!!

2.1. Can use oxycodone!

2.2. Not recommended to use paracetamol + ibuprofen together


3.1. Common pain: earache, nappy rash, teething, sore throat, stomach pain, stings, bites, falls

3.2. Signs: 1= facial changes, PLUS crying, sleep patterns changed, quiet/ withdrawn, lack of movement

3.3. Q: Question child U: Use a pain rating scale E: Evaluate behaviour/ psych changes S: Sensitise parents T: TAKE ACTION

4. Fever

4.1. Treatment: Paracetamol = <12 yrs = 15mg/kg every 4-6 hrs. Above 12 = treat like adult ?

4.2. Ibuprofen: >3 5-10mg/kg 3-4 times per day

4.3. Definition: 38 or greater

4.4. Non-pharmacological: fluid intake, Remove clothes, cold bath AVOIDED!, wet face cloth