Age and Acquisition

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Age and Acquisition 저자: Mind Map: Age and Acquisition

1. Linguistics considerations

1.1. Order of acquisition

1.2. Inference in adults

1.3. Bilingualism

2. Issues in first language acquisition revisited

2.1. Competence and performance

2.2. Nature or nurtture?

2.3. Comprehension and production

2.4. Universals

2.5. Systematicity and variability

2.6. Language and though

2.7. Limitation

2.8. Practice

2.9. Imput

2.10. Discourse

3. Topics and questions for study and discussion

4. Suggestde readings

5. Language leraning Experience: journal entry 3

6. Despelling myths

7. Types of comparision and contrast

8. The critical period hipothesis

9. Neurological considerations

9.1. Hemispheric lateralization

9.2. Biological timetables

9.3. Right-hemispheric participation

9.4. Antopological evidence

10. The significan of accent

11. Cignitive considerations

12. Affective considerations