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Interview 저자: Mind Map: Interview

1. What do you have by now

1.1. Products: variety of breads, croissants, pastries and danishes + chocolates and chocole bars. Some of products are vegan. No chemicals, organic. Using butter not margarin.

1.2. Sites: Closed 2 in Grodno, Closed 1 in Shchuchin. Reason: ideas and business were moving to different directions. At the moment there are 2 locations in Lida selling the goods brought by drivers. Means that a separate location is baking and producing breads, driver is brining them to the sites for selling every morning.

2. Work Project (Idea)

2.1. To create the highest possible quality of breads, pastry, chocolates for the lowest possible price.

2.2. Figure: Not kiosks or islands in the mall. It has to be a place baking and serving fresh goods right away. Might look like coffeeshop, window+terrace, not large and not resraurant type. If it goes better and better news sites are coming to be opened.

2.3. Volume: Up to 20-22 locations thru the country. Thinking of opening the next one in Baranovich but it doesn't have to be Baranovichi. Might be the need of building one from scratch.

3. Working Conditions

3.1. Belarussian Labour Law (vacation, sickleaves, pension fees, tax etc. etc. under Labour Law of the Republic of Belarus ).

3.2. Remote with travels covered.

3.3. A Year contract following after 3 months probation.

3.4. 8 hrs a day-5 days-total 40 hrs a week (9-18)

3.5. Report to Garret only

4. Human Resourses

4.1. At the moment there are approx. 15 employees and 2 of them doing administrative job.

4.2. In need of a person not connected to a specific site/location but organizing the process of building the new site, working on communicaton with vendors and governmental institutions, doing research and analitycal work, documentation, scheduling.

5. What I'll need

5.1. Ilex base paid access

5.1.1. Online service of ready-made legal solutions for accounting, taxation and laws for accountants, lawyers, and managers

5.2. business phone + simcard

5.3. Might be in need of something else later on

6. "Tasty" Questions

6.1. Whole foods could be better if concentrated on quality not commerce

6.2. How to make crust is a special procedure that you need to follow

6.3. Dairy products can be saved for longer time by machinery milking, storing the product cool and ultrapasterizing it efficient as it's done in Holland by one of your friends.

7. Personal questions

7.1. I asked you for how long you are in Belarus. Why did you move. Did you settle in Lida.

7.2. You told the story is long and it would take rather a long time to describe all of that. You live in Lida but easy driving wherever you need to arrive.

8. Last but not the Least

8.1. I did try all the breads and pastries. Loved the snail and croissant most of all. Attaching the proof :)

9. Salary question

9.1. Thinking of it still

10. Facts I didn't think or know about

10.1. Product price consists of LABOUR+ ingredients+ electricity/equipment etc.