Connection to body wisdom, trust in gifts, clarity with path and purpose, feeling held, seen, and...

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Connection to body wisdom, trust in gifts, clarity with path and purpose, feeling held, seen, and supported. 저자: Mind Map: Connection to body wisdom, trust in gifts, clarity with path and purpose, feeling held, seen, and supported.

1. 3. Mental Body

1.1. Third Chakra Wisdom. Strengthening empowerment, courage, self trust, truth, value, deservability, focus

1.2. Honoring presence and pause, stillness and silence

1.3. The importance of Nature and time in Nature, eating green things, diet, nourishment and feeding the mind.

1.4. Deva/Asura energy. The importance of planting positive seeds in the mind

1.5. The wisdom of Mercury and what your jyotish chart tells you about your mental body.

2. 4. Spiritual Body

2.1. Fourth Chakra Wisdom. Wisdom of the heart and honoring joy, radical self love and acceptance, releasing inner critic, self judgment, and grief.

2.2. Creating a relationship with your ancestors

2.3. Deepening your relationship with Nature

2.4. Creating ritual in your life

2.5. Honoring the wisdom of Jupiter and what your jyotish chart tells you about how you give/receive wisdom.

3. 5. Dialogue With Body

3.1. Fifth Chakra Wisdom. Strengthening self expression, voice, visibility, power and creativity, finding your voice.

3.2. Multi-Modal approach to creating and harvesting body wisdom

3.3. Deepening nourishment and pleasure in body and life.

3.4. Wisdom of Venus and what your jyotish chart tells you about love, relationships, money, creativity, the feminine.

4. 7. Surrender and Accept Your Divine Path

4.1. Seventh Chakra Wisdom: Deep surrender and trust with Spirit, Body, Soul.

4.2. Honor and allow your unfolding path and purpose

4.3. Radical self trust, wholeness, Nourishment, pleasure, joy, abundance.

4.4. Wisdom of Rahu/Ketu and what your jyotish chart tells you about your unfolding path and purpose.

5. 1. Physical Body

5.1. First Chakra Wisdom: Feeling safe in body and life, stable, supported and grounded.

5.2. Sensation, honoring sensations in body

5.3. Somatic awareness

5.4. Dialogue and harvesting from body

5.5. Wisdom of the Sun and what your jyotish chart tells you about your Sun Wisdom

5.6. Father, ancestors

6. 2. Emotional Body

6.1. Second Chakra Wisdom: Feeling safe to feel, be vulnerable, honoring full range of emotions, increase pleasure and joy.

6.2. Feelings, honoring feelings in body

6.3. Love and acceptance of the whole body and all emotions

6.4. Grief work and honoring the wisdom of your grief

6.5. Wisdom of the Moon and what your jyotish chart says about your Moon Wisdom

6.6. Mother, ancestors

7. 6. Vision for Life and Legacy

7.1. Sixth Chakra Wisdom. Increasing your expanded vision- for life and legacy.

7.2. Trusting your path and purpose, inner wisdom and special gifts

7.3. Action steps that support the outcomes you want

7.4. Congruency + Integrity

7.5. Wisdom of Mars and what your jyotish chart tells you about action and clarity in your chart