Healthcare Information Technologies

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Healthcare Information Technologies 저자: Mind Map: Healthcare Information Technologies

1. Electronic Medical Systems

1.1. EMRs

1.2. EHRs

1.3. PHRs

2. ePrescribing

2.1. Provider can send prescriptions to the pharmacy the patient chooses to use with computerized servicing.

3. Medical Billing

3.1. Healthcare providers can effectively manage and bill claims to insurance companies via internet, preventing the use of paper and postal services. This makes filing more efficient and faster.

4. High-Tech Imaging Systems

4.1. Technological systems used for imaging such as CAT scans, MRIs, and lung scanning.

5. Patient Portal

5.1. Allows patients to access their medical records easily, book appointments, and communicate with their physicians.

6. Computerized Medical Data Bank

6.1. Houses information that can be used for medical studies.