Communal Discipleship

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Communal Discipleship 저자: Mind Map: Communal Discipleship

1. New Monasticism

1.1. 12 marks

1.2. Christianity Today Article

1.3. Communality

1.3.1. School(s) for Conversion

1.4. The Simple Way

1.4.1. Shane Claiborne

2. Need Based

2.1. Addiction

2.1.1. Rehabilitation Center

2.1.2. AA

2.2. Prison

2.3. Housing

2.3.1. Main Street Ministries

2.3.2. Door of Hope

3. Church

3.1. Small Group

3.2. Worship Gathering

3.3. Sunday School


4.1. Intentional Discipleship

4.2. Community Building

5. Monastery

5.1. St. Benedict's Abbey

5.2. Rule of St. Benedict

6. Education

6.1. College

6.1.1. Onyx House

6.1.2. FarmHouse

6.2. High School

6.2.1. Victory Village Academy

6.2.2. Ministry Quest

7. Mission/Training

7.1. Service Adventure

7.1.1. Albany, OR

7.2. Outta Town

7.2.1. Video