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Feudalism 저자: Mind Map: Feudalism

1. clergy

1.1. responsibilities

1.1.1. To listen to confessions of people

1.1.2. save the souls of men

1.1.3. Make sure no one commits heracy

1.2. rights

1.2.1. own land

1.2.2. collect tax of marriges

1.2.3. to perform sacraments

1.3. enviroment

1.3.1. depending on rank they either lived a basic live or a lavish life as a bishop or the Pope

1.3.2. always competing for power with kings and princes

1.3.3. constantly trying to gain more land

2. Nobles

2.1. enviroment

2.1.1. Owend wealth

2.1.2. Lived a lavish lifestyle

2.1.3. goodlife style

2.2. Rights

2.2.1. able to employ knights

2.2.2. Able to give out land

2.2.3. collect grain from peasants

2.3. Responsibilities

2.3.1. relay commands of king

2.3.2. keep peasants in line

2.3.3. collect grain for the king

3. King

3.1. responsibilities

3.1.1. to take care of his kingdom

3.1.2. make sure nobody invades his kingdom

3.1.3. make sure there is a direct heir to his throne

3.2. rights

3.2.1. he made the laws

3.2.2. the only restriction he had was the pope

3.2.3. He can do whatever he wants to

3.3. enviroment

3.3.1. lived an extremely lavish lifestyle

3.3.2. had servents for everything

3.3.3. his every wish was fufilled at his command

4. knights

4.1. Rights

4.1.1. they were freemen

4.1.2. were able to own land

4.1.3. served under a lord

4.2. enviroment

4.2.1. constant warfare

4.2.2. surrounded by violence

4.2.3. able to own land

4.3. responsibilities

4.3.1. fight for their lord

4.3.2. maintain thier land

4.3.3. good at warfare

5. peasants

5.1. Enviroment

5.1.1. live on the manor of their lord

5.1.2. They work the fields of their lord

5.1.3. Harsh life in very bad conditions

5.2. Rights

5.2.1. almost no rights

5.2.2. they are under the power of the lord

5.2.3. were not able to leave the are where they were born

5.3. Responsibilities

5.3.1. They have to work the fields of the lord

5.3.2. give him a part of their grain

5.3.3. Make sure the manor stays in good condition