factors affecting health

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factors affecting health 저자: Mind Map: factors affecting health

1. susceptibility to disease

1.1. diabetes

1.1.1. type 1 is dependent on your genetic makeup whereas type 2 is dependent on your lifestyle.

1.2. cancer

1.3. high blood cholesterol

2. stress

2.1. a positive effect of stress on the body is that it prepares you for things that are important

2.2. a negative effect of stress is that it can have cardiovascular impacts on your heart and can shorten your life expectancy

3. nature vs nurture

3.1. nature is what we are biologically programmed to do

3.2. nurture is influenced by your surroundings and by the people who you are surrounded by

4. the stress diathesis model

4.1. stress is the negative effect that is caused by a change.

4.1.1. protective factors include family and friends

4.2. diathesis is the vulnerability to a mental illness

5. genetic diseases

5.1. downs syndrome

5.1.1. osteogenesisimperfecta Phenylketonuria huntingtons disease inherited by a persons parents, degeneration of the neurons, personality shifts and problems swallowing caused by a recessive allele repeatedly being sick, irreversible brain damage

5.1.2. caused by a dominant allele, it is a deficiency in protein collagen

5.2. delays the growth of fine and gross motor skills, neither dominant or recessive, social withdrawal, heart defects, intellectual disabilities