The Upside Outside (during gods)

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The Upside Outside (during gods) 저자: Mind Map: The Upside Outside (during gods)

1. Important Areas

1.1. The Plains

1.1.1. The Oceans The Secret Keeper, old witch Old Lady Evelyn (Eivarosa in disguise)

1.2. The Shadow Abyss

1.2.1. Renesme, Spirit of Infinity

1.2.2. Luine, previously a member of the Abyss Council

1.2.3. Kaizcite, the old spirit of Infinity, killed by Renesme

1.3. The Old Estate

1.3.1. Patron-less spirits residing in the High Heavens Rei, Spirit of Memories The old spirit of Reincarnation

1.3.2. Vars, after a while Lynx and Mortimer after the Rei-Lynx confrontation

1.3.3. Renesme, temporarily

1.4. The Evos Mansion

1.4.1. The Original Family Master Serieve (Spirit of Sight, deceased) Lady Fervonne (not ascended) Young Master Varsais Kierve (Spirit of Children) Eivarosa (Spirit of the Passings of Time)

1.4.2. Other people Lynx, saved by Serieve Mortimer, saved by Serieve and Vars, old man connections

2. Patron-less Spirits

2.1. Eivarosa, Spirit of the Passings of Time

2.1.1. She is equally "shared" between the gods

2.2. Renesme, Spirit of Infinity, Lady (and ruler) of the Shadow Abyss

3. Patron Gods

3.1. Ah'lena

3.1.1. Luine, Spirit of Contracts

3.1.2. Ydonna, Spirit of Knowledge

3.2. Kolaih

3.2.1. Athos, Spirit of Wealth

3.2.2. Liya, Spirit of Chaos

3.2.3. Peying, Spirit of Illusions

3.2.4. Cynder, Spirit of Faces The Face Thief

3.3. Hai'a

3.3.1. Mortimer, Spirit of Cards

3.4. Lycol

3.4.1. Traise, Spirit of Insanity

3.4.2. Aesiah, Spirit of Wanderers

3.4.3. Dawn, Spirit of Sight

3.5. Dehille

3.5.1. Kierve, Spirit of Children

3.5.2. Freyin, Spirit of Arts

3.6. Vilhe

3.6.1. Illene, Spirit of Misfortune

3.6.2. Lynx, Spirit of Mischief

3.6.3. Amorae, Spirit of Love

3.6.4. Spirit of Tea

3.7. Rhein

3.7.1. Skora, Spirit of Smithing

3.7.2. Plythe, Spirit of Conflicts

3.7.3. Romair, Spirit of Opposites

4. Past Spirits

4.1. Exiled

4.1.1. Dawn, Spirit of Childhood Innocence, under Ah'lena, current Spirit of Sight under Caliko

4.2. Deceased

4.2.1. King Serieve, Spirit of Sight, under Hai'a, killed by Dawn

4.2.2. (insert name), Spirit of Art, under Vilhe

4.3. Formed/removed during canon

4.3.1. (insert name), Spirit of Sky, under Vilhe, fallen during battle

4.3.2. Spirit of Innocence

4.3.3. Spirit of Curiosity

5. Formed through the split of Childhood Innocence core