Types of mind maps

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Types of mind maps 저자: Mind Map: Types of mind maps

1. Brace Map

1.1. Is used for analyzing physical objects or given you a closer look at concepts and ideas

2. Circle Maps

2.1. It is useful for sharing ideas or outlining important information for an upcoming presentation at school or work

3. Bubble Map

3.1. Helps organize and growth ideas

4. Tree Map

4.1. Organizing information

5. Double Bubble Maps (Venn Diagrams)

5.1. Combine two bubble maps to show two themes that relate

6. Spider Map

6.1. Helps layout ideas

7. Flow Map

7.1. Visualize a progress, progression or set instructions

8. Multy Flow Map

8.1. Identify cause and effect relationships

9. System Event

9.1. It is used to show the numerous parts of a concept, and how all of them are interrelated to each other and the central idea

10. Dialogue Map

10.1. Useful in breaking down each idea that you might have, so you have plenty of chance to consider a problem from numerous angles for better understanding