Lean Canvas Template

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Lean Canvas Template 저자: Mind Map: Lean Canvas Template

1. Useful links to fill in your lean canvas

2. Revenue Streams

3. Cost Structure

3.1. Fixed Costs

3.2. Variable Costs

4. Early Adopters

5. High-Level Concept

6. Channels

6.1. Channel

6.2. Channel

6.3. Channel

7. Key Metrics

8. Problem

8.1. Problem

8.2. Problem

8.3. Problem

9. Solution

9.1. Solution to problem

9.2. Solution to problem

9.3. Solution to problem

10. Unique Value Proposition

11. Unfair Advantage

12. Customer Segments

12.1. Segment

12.2. Segment

12.3. Segment

13. Existing alternatives

13.1. Alternative

13.2. Alternative