little river is white idiot

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little river is white idiot 저자: Mind Map: little river is white idiot

1. absolutely right

2. glad to hear that

2.1. hiahiahia

3. one can big home have class ma?

3.1. i need go old school up cantonese teach de class

3.2. no person kinginside me...

4. ttp://,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41248874,d.aGc&fp=fcac1f4cbac03c91&biw=1600&bih=806

5. Just try working the same time?

5.1. sound get up charming

6. Tianshu isHundan

6.1. a handsome hundan, i guess

7. we should do what??

7.1. what host question?

8. download a mobile app

8.1. hia