
Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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Buford_FairyTales 저자: Mind Map: Buford_FairyTales

1. Has a "Hero" or Knight in Shining Armor

1.1. WWW.Surfturf.com

1.2. WWW.courses.com

1.3. WWW.manatee.com

2. Has a "Hero" or Knight in Shining Armor

3. Has evil character

3.1. Tries to ruin main characters happy ending

4. Takes place in a castle, magical forest, or town

4.1. Some how makes its way into castle

4.1.1. Dependencies

4.1.2. Milestones

4.2. Makes way into forest or town

4.2.1. KPI's

5. Good VS. Bad

5.1. Good gets rewarded

5.1.1. Define actions as necessary

5.2. Bad gets punished

6. One of the main characters is like at the bottom at the beginning of the story

6.1. Gets recognized by other main character