Digital Storytelling

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Digital Storytelling 저자: Mind Map: Digital Storytelling

1. What is digital Storytelling?

1.1. The art of telling stories with a variety of multimedia - audio, video, images, text

2. What are the elements of digital storytelling?

2.1. 1. Point of View – what is the perspective of the author?

2.2. 2. A Dramatic Question – a question that will be answered by the end of the story

2.3. 3. The Gift of your Voice – a way to personalize the story to help the audience understand the context

2.4. 4. The Power of the Soundtrack – music or other sounds that support the storyline

2.5. 5. . Economy – simply put, using just enough content to tell the story without overloading the viewer with too much information.

2.6. 6. Pacing – related to Economy, but specifically deals with how slowly or quickly the story progresses.

2.6.1. Authenticity - it gives a view of a real life experience,

3. Types of digital story

3.1. Personal Narratives

3.2. Digital Stories that Examine Historical Events

3.3. Stories that Inform or Instruct

4. Its effectiveness as a teaching/learning tool

4.1. Caters to the varied learning style of studetns and generates interest, attention and motivation

4.1.1. In this way, it enhances the audio/visual areas and is especially supportive where learners experience difficulties/illnesses.

4.2. Aids in knowledge building and opportunities to share knowledge

4.2.1. INS to insert (Windows)

4.2.2. Allow students to tap into their experiences especially when they are able to use their own digital images

4.3. Develops creative and analytical skills

4.4. Fosters collaboration and gives students opportunity to share their work, critique each other's work and share valuable experiences

4.5. Encourages collaboration, Students share work with peers, and gain experiences critiquing theirs and peers' work

4.6. What can we do?

4.6.1. Resources explored

4.6.2. Rosemarie - Use Blabberize to create story of historical sites in Antigua Personal Todo List Vacation Planning Meeting Minutes Project Plan more...

4.6.3. glogster, zooburst Offline Mode Geistesblitz Tools Email & SMS Gateways Offline Mode

4.7. Use ZimmerTwins to write a story about Peer pressure and clothing.

5. Can be used for many subject areas and can help to unleash the creativity in students