Copy of TERRIBLE THINGS John Nnakwu MOD 6a/4b

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Copy of TERRIBLE THINGS John Nnakwu MOD 6a/4b 저자: Mind Map: Copy of TERRIBLE THINGS John Nnakwu MOD 6a/4b

1. Important statements

1.1. "we don't need to help them they took to much space in the trees anyways" (the Jews weren't willing to help each other out when they were going through persecution

1.2. "we have come for every creature that has feathers" (the Nazi singled out just the Jews to take out and kill instead of others

2. Symbols and the meaning

2.1. The terrible things(German soldiers)

2.2. The kidnapping of other animals(what the soldiers did)

2.3. The killing of others(what happened to the Jews)

2.4. They don't help one another(the Jews)

2.5. Fear(Jews)

2.6. Suffering(Jews)

2.7. Only one survivor(Jews)

3. Theme bookmark inhumanity

3.1. When you really understand others you know what they are going through and you keep trying to help them

3.2. Yes it does still exist in the world today. We ahould be nice to one another and don't bully

3.3. Yes cruelty is in the book

3.4. No one character tried to but his dad told him that he shouldn't interfere

4. Character bookmark 1

4.1. Yes only the young rabbit did

4.2. I was surprised when the father rabbit said no we don't need to help them they just get in the way

4.3. I don't agree with the father rabbit that they shouldn't help them. Now since they didn't help the he got killed to. He should have listened to his son

4.4. The good guy was the son rabbit because he wanted to help the other animals in like the others

5. Personal thoughts

5.1. Why cant the animals help each other out when they were getting taken

5.2. The Nazi singled out all of them to be taken

5.3. The one who wanted to help people not get taken was the other survivor

5.4. The father rabbit was so mean!

5.5. Why did the people want does animals anyway??

6. Key words and phrases

6.1. Death

6.2. Only one survivor

6.3. Fear

6.4. Kidnapping of things

6.5. Not caring for one another

6.6. Terrible things