Bonnie Balliet 2.0 PLE

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Bonnie Balliet 2.0 PLE 저자: Mind Map: Bonnie Balliet 2.0 PLE

1. Trade organiztions

1.1. Check out

1.2. Training Pros

1.2.1. Podcasts

1.2.2. Blogs

1.2.3. Rich ideas and resources worldwide

1.3. Harvard Business Review

1.3.1. Thought leaders

1.3.2. Forums

1.4. Globally Hip

1.4.1. Worldwide practices

1.5. ASTD

1.5.1. Training blogs

1.5.2. Presenters

1.5.3. Conferences

1.5.4. Resources

1.5.5. Contacts

2. Research ideas

2.1. Amazon Books

2.2. Wikipedia

2.2.1. Definitions

2.2.2. Background data

2.3. Google

2.3.1. Blogs

2.3.2. Articles

2.3.3. Content search

2.4. TED Talks

3. Training online development tools

3.1. Captivate

3.2. Articulate

4. Other than the web

4.1. Hiking

4.1.1. Marin trails

4.1.2. Rogue River

4.2. Goofy nieces & pets

4.2.1. 7-8 year old fun

4.2.2. Cat antics

4.3. Traveling

4.3.1. Bali

4.3.2. Ecuador

4.4. Winemaking/Hanging in the vineyard

4.4.1. Blending Tasting Bird watching in vineyard

4.4.2. Owls and blue bird boxes for pest control

5. Communication

5.1. Facebook

5.2. Skype

5.3. email

5.4. GoTo Meetings

5.5. LinkedIn

5.5.1. Corporate news

5.5.2. Blogs

5.5.3. Resumes

5.5.4. Networking

5.5.5. Competency data base

6. Images

6.1. Google

6.1.1. Check out library artifacts

6.2. Flickr

6.2.1. INS to insert (Windows)

6.2.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

6.2.3. ENTER to add siblings

6.2.4. DEL to delete

6.2.5. Press F1 to see all key shortcuts

6.3. You Tube

7. Classes

7.1. SFSU courses

7.2. MOOC

7.3. On own reading/discovery

8. Presentations

8.1. Prezi

8.2. PowerPoint

8.3. SlideRocket