Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability 저자: Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Content Validity Evidence

1.1. "The content validity evidence for a test is established by inspecting test questions to see whether they correspond to what the user decides should be covered by the test (Borich & Kubiszyn)." The educators should ensure that the questions on the test are related to what was studies and the learning objectives that they what the students to know.

2. Contructive Validity Evidence

2.1. "A test has construct validity evidence for a test that are correlated with and external criterion(Borich & Kubisyzn)." The test score should be compared to what the educators expect the results would be.

3. Criterion Related Validity Evidence

3.1. "Scores are scores from a test that are correlated with an external criterion( Borich & Kubisyzn)." The external criterion should pertinent to the original test, e.g comparing the scores from a month woth of vocabulary quizzes toa final vocabulary test at the end of the month. A student that did well on the weekly quizzes should have a negative correlation with the vocabulary test.

4. Test-Retest or Stability

4.1. "This test is given twice and the correlation betwrrn the first set of scaores and the second set of scores is determined(Borich&Kubisyzn)." The accesses take the test two times and the scores are compared with each other checking for corrections.

5. Internal Consistency

5.1. This test should be consistent within itself. If a test has many questions related to the same topics or subjects, then it would make sense that a student who answers one of these questions correctly would have a higher probability of answering questions correctly with similar topics.

6. Alternate Forms of Eqivalence

6.1. "If there are two equivalent forms of a test, these forms can be used to obtain an estimate of the reliability of the scores from the test (Borich&Kubiszyn)