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ICT 저자: Mind Map: ICT

1. google

1.1. email account

1.2. google drive

1.2.1. spread sheets

1.3. google calendar

1.3.1. dates

1.3.2. events

1.3.3. reminders

1.4. spread sheets

1.5. maps

1.5.1. creating

1.5.2. navigation

1.6. youtube

1.6.1. videos

1.6.2. uploading a video

2. podcasting

2.1. audacity

2.2. zoltero

3. tweeting

3.1. accounts

3.2. how to tweet

4. wikipedia

4.1. pages

4.2. editing

4.3. navigation

5. Zotero

5.1. preserve sites

5.2. bibliography

5.3. citations

6. Skyping

6.1. accounts

6.2. what is skping

6.3. communication/phone call

6.4. mail link and urls

6.5. share and gather informatio

7. Final Paper

7.1. Introduction

7.1.1. Idea #1 Free Online Course

7.1.2. Idea#2

7.1.3. Idea #3

7.2. Body

7.2.1. discussion on idea #1

7.2.2. Discussion on idea #2

7.3. Conclusion

7.3.1. Conclusion related to #1