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Ender´s Game 저자: Mind Map: Ender´s Game

1. Main character

1.1. Ender

1.1.1. Ender is the main character of the story. He is a 8 year old boy that is what they call a "third child", he is the third child in the family. The government only allows 2 kids per family, but the government wanted Ender´s parents to have another child to get the best traits of the previous kids into one child. (They take the kids and train them to become soldiers)

1.1.2. Ender gets drafted to the space station, after been living with a monitor in the back of his head for a couple of years. They draft him to the army school in space because they think that he is the best hope for humanity, He will lead them against the Buggers.

1.2. Valentine

1.3. Peter

1.4. Grass

2. Ideas

3. Conflicts

4. Settings