Validity & Reliability

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Validity & Reliability 저자: Mind Map: Validity & Reliability

1. Criterion-Related Validity

1.1. Concurrent

1.1.1. validating measures against a well known test

1.2. Predictive

1.2.1. measure to predict a particular outcome or future behavior

2. Construct Validity

2.1. relationship to the learning outcomes gains increased measures after theory.

3. Content Validity

3.1. Matching test items to learning outcome

4. Validity

5. Internal Consistency

5.1. Split halves

5.1.1. odd-even reliability

5.2. Kuder-Richardson Method

5.2.1. measures to what extent one form of the test has in common with the other form.

6. Alternate Forms

6.1. two equivalent forms of the test must be available and administered.

7. Test-Retest

7.1. correlation between the set of scores

8. Reliability