Sophomore Protfolio

Collect, Process, Organize, Do and Review your tasks with this productive technique

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Sophomore Protfolio 저자: Mind Map: Sophomore Protfolio

1. Culture and You

1.1. SS 2.1 SS 2.3

1.2. -Work Ethic -Content -Problem Solving

1.3. Reflection

1.4. Spreadsheet

2. Norms,What's Their Function

2.1. SS4.3

2.2. -Communication -Technology -Collaboration

2.3. Reflection

2.4. Research

3. Everyone's a Critic

3.1. SS1.2 SS1.10

3.2. -Collaboration

3.3. Reflection

3.4. Poem

4. Deviance Does

4.1. SS7.4 SS7.6 SS7.8

4.2. -Problem Solving

4.3. Reflection

4.4. Pictures

5. New Tech Way of Life

5.1. SS8.8

5.2. -Collaboration -Technology -Communication

5.3. Reflection

5.4. Infographic

6. Never Forgotten

6.1. SS4.1 SS6.3 SS3.1

6.2. -Work Ethic -Content

6.3. Reflection

6.4. Dysfunctional Heart

7. Example

7.1. Standard

7.2. SWLO's

7.3. Reflection

7.4. Evidence

8. Growth as a Writer/Reader

8.1. Reflection

8.2. Evidence

8.3. Reflection

8.4. Evidence

9. Personal

10. Introduction

10.1. Conclusion