Sophomore Portfolio

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Sophomore Portfolio 저자: Mind Map: Sophomore Portfolio

1. The Nech Tech Way of Life

1.1. SS 8.8

1.2. SWLO: Technology

1.3. Reflection:

2. Introduction

3. Personal Web

4. Everyone's A Critic

4.1. SS 1.2, 1.10

4.2. SWLO: Communication

4.3. Reflection:

5. Never Forget

5.1. SS 4.1, 6.3, 3.1

5.2. SWLO:Collaboration

5.3. Reflection

6. Deviance Does

6.1. SS 7.4, 7.6, 7.8

6.2. SWLO: Content

6.3. Reflection:

7. Norms: What's their Function

7.1. SS 4.3

7.2. SWLO: Problem Solving

7.3. Reflection:

8. Culture & You/ Who Am I

8.1. SS 2.1,2.3

8.2. SWLO: Citizenship

8.3. Reflection:

9. Conclusion