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Outreach 저자: Mind Map: Outreach

1. Pure Technology

1.1. Mark Grimes re: Kenya??

1.2. Adam Jackson re: Ghana??

1.3. Aggregation of External Datasets along w/ours

1.3.1. http://oad.simmons.edu/oadwiki/Data_repositories

1.3.2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_data

1.4. Socrata who did the hackpad

1.5. Visualiazations

1.5.1. Maps Other Mappting solutions - Not MCC UNDP Center for Global Development MCC Mapping Solutions - In progress Hackpad Maps from Rajan Geocoding proposal from Development Gateway ArcGIS mapping - Mohammad

1.5.2. Where does my money go - UK

1.5.3. AidFlow

1.5.4. Development Seed

1.5.5. USAID

1.5.6. Visualizing.org

1.5.7. Open.undp.org

1.6. Nuance/Dragon

2. NGO

2.1. Mercy Corps

2.2. OXFAM

2.3. Other Open Gov - Data Initiatives

2.3.1. Kenya IBM + Orange Partnership

2.3.2. Nepal

2.4. ONE

2.5. CARE

3. Business

3.1. New Ones To Develop

3.1.1. Orange - Data for Development Challenge

3.1.2. HP

3.1.3. Unilever

3.1.4. Microsoft

3.1.5. Coca-Cola Laurel in CPA has leads ie. coca cola

3.2. In Development

3.2.1. Palantir

3.2.2. Corporate Council of Africa

3.2.3. IBM

4. Thought Leaders to Engage

4.1. Tariq K. @ World Bank

4.2. Kin - PIF - API Evangelist

4.3. Data Science for Good- Rayid Ghani

4.4. Open Knowledge Foundation

4.4.1. Founder - Rufus Pollock

4.5. Development Gateway