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Characteristics 저자: Mind Map: Characteristics

1. Business

1.1. "Let's take this offline"

1.2. "I'd love to pick your brains over coffee"

1.3. Demander of ideas

1.4. Uber-networker

1.5. Marketer who uses buzzwords ad infinitum

1.6. "We should totally catch up"

1.7. Design snob

2. Money

2.1. Aspirational

3. Intelligence

3.1. Art poseur

4. Geekiness

4.1. 1337

5. Fashion

5.1. Man handbags

5.2. Wearing a cashmere sweater when it's 40 degrees out

6. Social habits

6.1. GlassHat

6.2. Grammar nazi

6.3. People who can't get past themselves

6.4. Gym bunny

6.5. "I'll definitely call you"