Function of music

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Function of music 저자: Mind Map: Function of music

1. Much of the music written in the later part of the Baroque period was for amateur musicians

1.1. often performed in the wealthier households at dinners or parties

1.2. Performances of purely instrumental music were rarely given to the public

2. In the large and wealthy courts operas and ballets were first performed as entertainment to courtiers and Princes

2.1. Private viewings did not last long as in 1637 the ideas of a Opera season came about

3. Opera soon developed into a popular public entertainment

3.1. The first ticket sales for public Opera started in Venice

3.2. Opera began in Italy and then spread across Europe and Opera seria was the most admired form of Opera

3.3. When technology began to move to the forefront of everyday life, opera singers like Enrico Caruso became more well known to more audiences, not just with opera fans.

3.4. Operas were also performed on and written for radio and television.

4. Oratorio was a religious version of the Opera and was not as popular

4.1. The main difference between an Oratorio and an Opera is that an Opera is more musical theatre like whereas an Oratorio is strictly a concert piece

5. Secular cantatas were written for special festive occasions

5.1. A Cantatas is a vocal composition with an instrumental accompaniment, often containing many movements and a choir

6. Many compositions were written for 'instructing the perspective musician'

6.1. Bach's 'Little Organ book' was written to instruct his four musical songs

6.2. Geminiani's "The Art of Playing on the Violin" was written as a systematic method of teaching

7. Even though there was an increase of religious instrumental music being composed, some music were used for non-religious purposes

7.1. For example, music was used for a range of celebrations, not just for religious celebrations

7.1.1. Weddings, Opening of buildings