XR Workout Custom CRM

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XR Workout Custom CRM 저자: Mind Map: XR Workout Custom CRM

1. Contacts

1.1. Organization

1.2. Meetings

2. Meetings

2.1. Contacts

2.2. Organization

3. Organizations

3.1. Contacts

3.2. Meetings

3.3. Projects

4. Projects

4.1. Organization

4.2. Tasks

5. General questions

6. The Process

6.1. Adding a new contact

6.1.1. Add it's organization details Meeting with a contact Add tasks based on the meeting

7. The Pipeline

7.1. Talking Stages

7.1.1. Term sent Negotiation Stages Commitment Locked

8. Tasks

8.1. Projects

8.2. Organization

8.3. Meetings