Early Ideas

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Early Ideas 저자: Mind Map: Early Ideas

1. mise en scene

1.1. Band in front of a crowd

1.2. Musical instruments

1.3. alcohol

2. Costume

2.1. Darker colours (negative mood)

2.1.1. Red

2.1.2. Black

2.1.3. Grey

2.1.4. Blue

2.2. Lighter colours (positive mood)

2.2.1. White

2.2.2. Light Blue

3. Narrative

3.1. Unrelated to lyrics

3.1.1. Deeper meaning

3.1.2. FOB Sugar we're going down

3.2. In sync with the lyrics

3.2.1. On screen portrays lyrics

4. Locations

4.1. House Party

4.1.1. Kitchen

4.1.2. Band in Main room

4.1.3. Pool

4.2. A school

4.2.1. Band on a stage or in open area