Writing Learning Objectives

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Writing Learning Objectives 저자: Mind Map: Writing Learning Objectives

1. Anatomy of an Objective

1.1. Performance

1.1.1. Verb People Places Things

1.1.2. Nominative

1.2. Condition

1.3. Criterion

2. References

3. Reasons for Objectives

3.1. Align...

3.1.1. Content

3.1.2. Assessment

3.1.3. Instructional Strategy

3.2. Inform...

3.2.1. Learner

3.2.2. Instructor

3.2.3. Instructional Designer

4. Types of Objectives

4.1. Verbal

4.2. Concepts

4.3. Rules

4.4. Problem Solving

4.5. Metacognitive