Laughter Out of Place by Donna M. Goldstein

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Laughter Out of Place by Donna M. Goldstein 저자: Mind Map: Laughter Out of Place by Donna M. Goldstein

1. Settings

1.1. Rio de Janeriro, Brazil

1.1.1. "City of contrasts"- pg 27

1.2. Favelas (shantytowns)

1.3. Author arrived in Brazil late in 1990

1.3.1. AIDS epidemic

2. Gloria and family

2.1. Zeca death has no out right signs of mourning

2.2. 14 children

2.2.1. 6 biolgical

2.2.2. 5 from her decesed sister Celina

2.2.3. 3 from ex lover

2.3. poorest end of the working class pg, 23

2.3.1. Lived in a 10x14 foot shack

2.4. Cooks and cleans for the wealthy

3. Marxism

3.1. issues of economic and social Latin America

4. Humor/Laughter

4.1. Coping method

4.1.1. joked about rape, children death and murder

4.2. Challenging power

4.2.1. Gives voice to women

4.2.2. "Weapon of the weak"- James Scott

4.3. Black humor

4.3.1. Discourse for poor against wealthy pg. 10

4.3.2. Laughter in human tragedy

5. Carnival

5.1. Mixing of the Brazilian classes

5.1.1. Poor get to watch as upper and middle classes celebrate

5.2. "Brazilanness"- tradition in celebrted

5.3. Takes place right before Lent

5.3.1. 4 days and 5 nights

5.4. "Moment out of time"

5.4.1. Social rules are broken

5.4.2. Not the "real" story of the world of an lower class women