Deondre Davis Browsers wars

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Deondre Davis Browsers wars 저자: Mind Map: Deondre Davis Browsers wars

1. Explorer 10

1.1. Pros

1.1.1. IE or better known as Internet Explorer is the browser that started the race against the original leader Netscape Navigator

1.1.2. For three versions Netscape had the lead until they had a bug that caused many sites to load slow or not at all in version 4. It was at this point Microsoft was able to pull into the lead.

1.2. cons

1.2.1. v9 not compatible with XP, tab handling not as good as FF, no automatic restoration and extensive extension support, rebooting required after installation and long installation time

1.2.2. no bookmark syncing & themes, some site incompatibilities, 64 bit version less polished than 32 bit

2. FireFox 21

2.1. Pros

2.1.1. Simplified interface, competitively fast, broad cross platform support, very secure, sync & panoramas, thousands of add-ons

2.1.2. excellent website compatibility, large developer community

2.2. Cons

2.2.1. Opera and Chrome still faster, need to restart browser after installing add-ons, fuzzy smaller fonts

2.2.2. memory hog in older computers, lacks popular audio & video codecs support

3. HTML 5 Readiness

4. markedshared

5. Define:

5.1. program with a graphical user interface for displaying HTML files, used to navigate the World Wide Web

5.2. A browser extension is a computer program that extends the functionality of a web browser in some way.

6. Chrome 27

6.1. Pros

6.1.1. Chrome (based on Blink, a webkit browser no more ) came on late, it came on slow and steady and it is the current reigning king of the web

6.1.2. The browser also followed the FireFox scheme of having apps that can install right in the browser.

6.2. Cons

6.2.1. Requires an internet connection to install, interface is not much customizable

6.2.2. it takes more HD space than Firefox and IE.

7. Safair 5

7.1. Pros

7.1.1. Elegant UI with Cover Flow, fast performance and browsing speed, fully web standards compliant,

7.1.2. Good standards support. Good browsing speed. Fine tab implementation. Decent extension selection.

7.2. Cons

7.2.1. Slow startup. Not being updated together with Mac version. No hardware acceleration for Windows.

7.2.2. Add-ons limited and not useful, heavy memory and system requirements, font resizing in Reader not possible.

8. Opera 12.14

8.1. Pros

8.1.1. Runs as a stand-alone program on a user's computer

8.1.2. Fast, feature rich, cross platform support, tab stacking, web standard compliant

8.2. Cons

8.2.1. Extension gallery not so extensive, no standard shortcut keys,

8.2.2. no backing up from users or large organization