Teaching Frameworks and Theories

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Teaching Frameworks and Theories 저자: Mind Map: Teaching Frameworks and Theories


1.1. A framework to help teachers discover if they have the necessary knowledge to use the technology to teach and if the technology is appropriate for the lesson

1.2. Is a complex interplay between Content, Pedagogical and Technological Knowledge

1.2.1. Content Knowledge is the knowledge the teacher has about the specific content that is to be taught Ex. a science teachers knowledge of science, does the teacher need to learn more?

1.2.2. Pedagogical Knowledge is the teachers knowledge regarding teaching methods and learning processes Ex. what is the best process to learn addition and how to make lesson suited to students

1.2.3. Technological Knowledge refers to a teachers knowledge of technology and their ability to use it effectively in class. Ex. does the tool do what it needs to do, can the students use the tool, does it enhance the task?

1.3. Is up to teacher to make sure the lesson is well balanced between the three components.

1.4. The three components work together in a Venn Diagram to make new components PCK, TCK, and TPK.

1.4.1. Pedagogical Content Knowledge - what are appropriate methods to teach this information?

1.4.2. Technological Content Knowledge - how technology can bring content information to students in a effective manner?

1.4.3. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge - how can technology be approached and it is appropriate?


2.1. Shows how teaching and learning is affected by technology

2.2. Components

2.2.1. Substitution Directly substituting in technology for a traditional method, no functional change Students print out a worksheet online and complete the assignment and hand it in

2.2.2. Augmentation Technology acts a direct tool substitute once again yet provides some functional improvement too Students would complete the worksheet online and mark is graded automatically.

2.2.3. Modification Technology allows for classroom activities to be completed online with significant task redesign Students make an audio recording of their essay that can be played for the parents Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously inconceivable.

2.2.4. Redefinition Students work together to make a documentary to show at school assembly.

3. Philosophy of Teachnology

3.1. Refers to a teachers own feelings of technology use in the classroom for teaching purposes

3.2. Similar to Philosophy of Teaching

3.3. is outlined within a teachers Professional Growth Plan

3.4. A teachers take on how technology can improve learning and be adapted for specific students

3.5. The benefits of technology in the clasroom

3.5.1. Make students better digital citizens

3.5.2. Students learn the technological know-how for real world situations

3.5.3. Technology can provide new opportunities and methods for learning/teaching

3.5.4. Students may have more motivation or enthuisasm doing work that incorporates technology