Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability 저자: Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Validity Evidence

1.1. Criterion- Related Validity Evidence

1.1.1. Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity Evidence: Scores from a test are correlated with an external source.

1.1.2. Predictive Validity Evidence: This attempts to predict future behavior based on test scores.

1.2. Content Validity Evidence: This is when test questions are reviewed to ensure that specific objectives are being covered by the questions.

1.3. Construct Validity Evidence: Testing students over material that has not yet been measured, it also uses theory.

2. Reliability

2.1. Test- Retest or Stability: A test is given twice and the relationship between the two scores is documented.

2.2. Alternative Forms or Equivalence: Two equivalent forms of a test are given. The relationship between the scores is documented.

2.3. Internal Consistency: If a given test question measures a specific concept, it is likely that people who get this item correct will get similat items correct.