Lauren Suelke

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Lauren Suelke 저자: Mind Map: Lauren Suelke

1. Radio

1.1. Oil

1.1.1. 5 Years Take apart and use scrap metal, screw, or anything else useful around the house that might be needed.

2. Pencils

2.1. Trees

2.1.1. One week Use it until it is gone or only use lead pencils and buy lead so that there is less trees being used to make pencils that are often thrown away once they are too small.

3. T-Shirts

3.1. Cotton

3.1.1. 2 Years Cut up and use as rags.

4. Coat

4.1. Cotton

4.1.1. 2 Years Donate or pass on as a hand-me-down.

5. Bowl

5.1. Clay

5.1.1. 5 Years Use as a dog food or water bowl.

6. Chairs

6.1. Trees

6.1.1. 7 Years Take apart chair and use as firewood.

7. Door Knob

7.1. Metal

7.1.1. 15 Years Use as long as possible and instead of buying a whole new one buy the small parts to fix it if it breaks.

8. Toothpaste

8.1. Fluoride

8.1.1. Half a year Use a smaller amount and make sure I get all of the toothpaste out of the tube.

9. Jeans

9.1. Denim

9.1.1. 3 Years Turn them into paper.

10. Xbox

10.1. Oil

10.1.1. 7 Years Sell to another person or buy parts to fix it instead of buying a new one.

11. Paper

11.1. Trees

11.1.1. 2 Months If I'm writing something down I should try to write in a smaller space and write smaller altogether so that i use up less space on the paper so I could use less of it.

12. Water

12.1. Water

12.1.1. A lifetime, 80 to 90 years Take shorter showers, turn off the water while brushing my teeth, Use little as possible when washing the dishes.

13. Corn

13.1. It's grown from the ground.

13.1.1. 1 day Take the corn that is not eaten and dry and replant it.

14. Chapstick

14.1. Animal fat

14.1.1. 6 weeks Use until it is completely gone instead of throwing it away when it is near the bottom of the tube.

15. Cell Phone

15.1. Oil

15.1.1. 3 Years Donate it to cell phones for soldiers.

16. Eraser

16.1. Rubber

16.1.1. 1 Year Use until it is completely gone and not just throw it away when it gets really small.

17. Nail Polish

17.1. Nitrocellulose

17.1.1. 1 Year Leave it on longer and only do one coat of the color.

18. Kitchen Table

18.1. Trees

18.1.1. 10 Years Sell to another person through the internet or burn as firewood.

19. Shampoo

19.1. Animal fat

19.1.1. 1 month Use a dime-sized amount instead of a quarter-sized amount.

20. Bread

20.1. Wheat

20.1.1. 1 Week Buy a smaller amount making sure that we finish eating it all or if we have too much make a compost pile.

21. Jewelry

21.1. Gold

21.1.1. 10 Years Sell to people who can melt it back and reform it for another person.

22. Gum

22.1. Tree

22.1.1. 1 Day Make a compost pile that I can throw my gum into that will decompose naturally with everything else in it.

23. Conditioner

23.1. Animal Fat

23.1.1. 1 Month Use a smaller amount such as a dime-sized and make sure not too drop any.

24. Televison

24.1. Oil

24.1.1. 10 Years Take apart and sell as scrap metal that will be recycled into new improved products.

25. Napkins

25.1. Trees

25.1.1. 1 day When at home use wash cloths that can be washed instead of thrown away, when away from home use only a small portion of the napkin so that it can be reused more than once.

26. Plastic cup

26.1. Oil

26.1.1. 1 day When I can I should use a glass cup so that i can wash it and reuse it instead of throwing it away after one use.