Mobile Strategies (2)

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Mobile Strategies (2) 저자: Mind Map: Mobile Strategies (2)

1. Definition - Students today have anytime, anywhere access to information - as such, educators must learn how to best effectively implement these devices to enhance instruction

1.1. We will be developing instruction around mobile devices later in our work

2. Tools (Working List For Our Work)

2.1. Poll Everywhere

2.2. Socrative

2.3. Remind 101

2.4. QR Codes

2.5. Google Drive App

2.6. Reflector App

2.7. Screencasting and Narrated Slideshows

2.7.1. Show Me

2.7.2. Educreations

2.7.3. Explain Everything

2.7.4. Teacher Presentation

3. Share one mobile strategy you've used this year?