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matter 저자: Mind Map: matter

1. Conductivity:a matereals ability to allow heat flow; how well electrons move through a object. Metals and Water are good conductors.

2. Density:Ratio of mass to volume, or how packed the particles are. The object floating is alot less dense than the one that is under water.

3. Viscosity:Resistance to flow. How thick a liquid is. like honey or mollasas

4. Physical Properties

4.1. Hardness: if there are two objects, witch ever one scratches the other is the harder object. Diamond is the hardest object known to man. And steel is harder than copper.

4.2. boiling point. temprature at which a substance boils. when a substance bubbles from heat an example is water and any other liquid.

5. Malleability

5.1. malleability is a metals ability bto be hammered without shattering. metal being molded examples are gold and alluminum

6. Chemical Properties

6.1. ability to burn in oxygens presence . Ability to burn is Flammibility examples wood and grass

6.2. Reactivity is how readily a substance chemically combines with other substances. a substance slowly chemically combines with others.oxygen and iron

7. melting point

7.1. temprature at which a solid turns into a liquid. solid turning into a liquid exampklews are ice and rock