Should scientists continue cloning

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Should scientists continue cloning 저자: Mind Map: Should scientists continue cloning

1. what can be cured from cloning

1.1. cloning helps cure disease like alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease and Parkinson’s.

1.1.1. I think they should continue to clone animals and cells. I think it is important because it keeps us heathy. It makes us heathy because we can clone the good cells to kill the cancer cells. Also you can have a baby clone if you can't have children. Another thing is if you can't take medicine they can put in a cloned cell in fruit.

2. Many animals have been cloned and that is a good thing because we can cure disease by testing animals.

2.1. 1 Carp 2 Cat 3 Cattle 4 Deer 5 Dog Ferret Frog (tadpole) Fruit flies Noah Goat Horse Mice Mouflon Mule Pig Pyrenean ibex Rabbit Rat Rhesus Monkey Sheep Water Buffalo Wolf Zebrafish

2.1.1. I think it is good that alot of animals have been cloned. I think this because the more animals cloned the bigger the animal population. Also some of the animals were extinct and now they can reproduce. Another thing is we can learn the behavior of cloned animals and see if it is the same as animals not cloned. One more thing is that animals can cure diseases and help humans.

3. How does cloning help us.

3.1. Cloning helps us a lot because by cloning stem cells we can kill and cure diseases.

3.1.1. I think scientists should continue cloning. I think this because they can clone stem cells. stem cells build and repair the body throughout our lives. Because these are processes that stem cells do naturally, they can be changed to repair damaged or diseased organs and tissues. So that means they can help fight diseases.