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Google Apps 저자: Mind Map: Google Apps

1. Web

2. Groups

2.1. Privacy control (public or private)

3. Documents (online Collaborative tools)

3.1. Documents (similar to MS Word)

3.1.1. Good group collaborative tools

3.2. Spreadsheet (similar to Excel)

3.3. Presentation (similar to PPT)

3.4. Forms (for collecting online data)

4. Blogs

4.1. Open integration with most web 2 tools

4.1.1. ePortfolio (private/public)

4.1.2. Personal Journal

4.1.3. Collaboration/Communication

4.1.4. Reflective practice space

5. Reader

5.1. Blog aggregator

5.1.1. pull in as many websites into one inbox

5.2. Sharable

5.3. Update-to-date knowledge base (keep yourself updated with the latest happening)

6. Calender

6.1. SMS reminder

6.1.1. time management

6.1.2. ubiquitous

6.2. Email reminder

6.3. Pop-up reminder

7. Maps

7.1. Find any place on the planet

7.2. GPS enabled on Cell fones

8. Scholar

8.1. Scholar Articles only

9. Translate

9.1. English to 72 other languages and versa visa

9.1.1. Language learning

10. Gmail

10.1. Tools

10.1.1. Video Chat one-on-one support/encouragement

10.1.2. Chat

10.1.3. Buzz keep a track of what others are 'up to' Back Channel Create, Communicate and Collaborate

10.1.4. Email emails are not emails anymore they are 'conservations' the way it should have been from the start

11. YouTube

11.1. Video sharing

11.1.1. Video blogging

11.1.2. Space to showcase your talent Support/encouragement (not forgetting the ugly)

11.1.3. Collaborate/communicate

12. News

12.1. News from around the world

12.2. Customise to your own country