Nobody Owens and his Key Relationships

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Nobody Owens and his Key Relationships 저자: Mind Map: Nobody Owens and his Key Relationships

1. Scarlett

1.1. What is her relationship with Bod?

1.2. How does Bod feel about her?

2. Mother Slaughter

2.1. What is her relationship with Bod?

2.2. How does Bod feel about her?

3. The Man Jack

3.1. What is his relationship with Bod?

3.1.1. When Bod first learns about him, he wants vengeance. In page 181 of the book, Bod says, "If I go outside in the world, the question isn't 'who will keep me safe from him... It's 'who will keep him safe from me?'"

3.1.2. He was sent by his mysterious organisation to kill Bod's whole family, although Bod escaped.

3.2. How does Bod feel about him?

3.2.1. Later, when Scarlett is in danger, page 262-263 of the book, Bod begins to feel a fear of Jack, because although Jack cannot hurt him, he can hurt his friends.

4. Silas

4.1. What is his relationship with Bod?

4.2. How does Bod feel about him?