Just War Theory Violations By:supergroup123

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Just War Theory Violations By:supergroup123 저자: Mind Map: Just War Theory Violations By:supergroup123

1. The Battle of Agincourt Violations

1.1. Jus Ad Bello

1.1.1. Proportionality: The French suffered heavily.

1.1.2. Right intention: The event was also waged to get land. Once again, people were being greedy.

1.1.3. Just cause: War was not legitimately waged for the greater good, but rather for land. It is not necessary for to wage war just to get land.

1.1.4. Last resort: It was not a last resort to wage war to get land. Other ways could be used to get land.

1.2. Jus In Bello

1.2.1. Probability of success: The English were outnumbered by the French men and by having more people, their chances of winning were quite slim.

1.2.2. Proportionality: The French sources all give 4,000–10,000 French dead, with up to 1,600 English dead.

1.2.3. Noncombatant immunity: There were prisoners who died and 7,000 - 10,000 civilians. Civilians are never to be targets of war.

2. The Counter-Reformation Violation

2.1. Jus Ad Bello

2.1.1. Just cause: This event was not waged for the greater good, but rather to just revive Catholicism. Catholic revival may or may not be for the greater good.

2.1.2. Right intention: Nothing was suffering that there was any need to start the revival. The Council of Trent wanted to improve the administration of the church

3. The First Crusade Violations

3.1. Jus Ad Bello

3.1.1. Probability of success: The chances of winning the crusades were very slim for the Jews for many of them died in the process. It was simply thousands of people rushing into the enemy's land with no strategy.

3.1.2. Last resort: Pope Urban II didn't try any other techniques, such as coming into an agreement with the Muslims for the Holy Land. They just went directly to war.

3.1.3. Right intention: War was waged to get trade routes from the land. There was already peace too.

3.1.4. Just cause: The just wanted their land and were being greedy about it.

3.2. Jus In Bello

3.2.1. Noncombatant immunity: Civilians are not to be targets in war. During the crusades, Jews were targeted and were not free from persecution by the Christian crusaders