Zeus & Echo

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Zeus & Echo 저자: Mind Map: Zeus & Echo

1. Echo, a nymph in Greek mythology, was very talkative. She distracted Hera (Zeus's wife) by telling her exciting tales whilst Zeus "had his fun".

2. Hera, under the presumption that Zeus was being unfaithful to her with Echo, punished her by stealing her voice, leaving her only able to foolishly repeat whatever was being shouted to her.

3. Echo was alone, until one day she met Narcissus and fell in love with him. She tried to profess her love to him, but could only shout things she heard. He became irate with her, and wanted nothing to do with her.

4. Echo then begged the gods for her death. Her prayers were answered, but her voice still remained.

5. Echo loved to gossip and tell stories because she believed to have the most beautiful voice.

6. Zeus loved to "mess around" with the nymphs. He was regularly unfaithful to his wife Hera.