Module 202: Using Copyrighted Works

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Module 202: Using Copyrighted Works 저자: Mind Map: Module 202: Using Copyrighted Works

1. What is copyright law?

1.1. Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce.

1.2. Copyright Law: to protect the rights of authors to control the use of original literary, dramatic, musical, artistic or other intellectual works created in a tangible medium of expression

1.3. Just because you cite the source of copyrighted material does not mean you don't have to get permission.

2. When can you use someone else's work?

2.1. When copyright has expired and the work is considered public domain.

2.2. When permission has been obtained from the original author or current copy-right holder.

2.3. When utilization of the work qualifies for the Fair Use exemption.

3. The Teach Act

3.1. Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act of 2002

3.2. Designed to address the need for clarification of permissible uses of copy-righted works in distance learning contexts.

3.3. Blended learning environments, where content and experiences supplemental to face-to-face instruction are available to students online.

4. Suggested Guidelines for Legal Practice

4.1. Limit public access to the work, link to existing material when possible.

4.2. Reproduce only the minimum amount needed, use the format that is least easily copied.

4.3. Always credit the source of the work, ensure that the work relates to instruction, obtain permission for works used repeatedly.