7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization 저자: Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. Government & Leaders

1.1. Sumerians

1.1.1. Priest held a high status for summerians, and originally governed city states.

1.1.2. Soon after war cheifs began to rule as kings.

1.1.3. Kings served as the gods cheif representatives.

1.1.4. These kings also performed ceramonies to please the gods.

1.2. Shang/Zhou

1.2.1. The government was a monarchy, meaning it was ruled by a king

1.2.2. Governors ruled distant parts of the kingdom

1.2.3. The government made farmers fight in the war and work besides slaves

1.2.4. Zhou believed in Mandate of Heaven, to justify the appointed rulers.

2. Economy & Trade

2.1. Shang/Zhou

2.1.1. Iron backed Zhou economy because it was traded heavily and made the army stronger, and iron was cheaper than broze

2.1.2. Shang may have created the first system of money

2.1.3. Zhou Introduced the use of coins to china, making trading easier, because everyone wants money

2.1.4. Trading silk was very popular

2.2. Sumerian

2.2.1. Sumerians lacked woods and metals, so they trade across Southwest Asia and beyond in trade for woven textiles for metals. timber and stone.

2.2.2. Jobs included stonecutters, pottery makers, brick layers, farmers, fishers, shepards, weavers, and leather workers.

2.2.3. Economy was based on argiculture, which was influenced by major technical advances.

2.2.4. Trade was very important in sumerian economy they did whatever they could to get good trade.

3. Science & Technology

3.1. Sumerians

3.1.1. Sumerians learned to use goemetry which helped build significant structors and irrigation systems.

3.1.2. Sumerians also invented the wheel. Which was used to make make pottery and build a variety of vehicles.

3.1.3. Sumerians also invented the plow. With this htey learned how to make bronze to make stronger tools and weapons.

3.1.4. They learned how to perform basic surgary. They also built sewers, and built cities and zigguratts.

3.2. Shang/Zhou

3.2.1. Learned to use iron which was cheaper and stronger than bronze.

3.2.2. Now had the ability to have iron weapons which strengthened there army.

3.2.3. Population growth led to the creation of roads and canals all throughout china.

3.2.4. Zhou introduced coins and the use of chopsticks to China.

4. Arts & Education

4.1. Shang/Zhou

4.1.1. Pictures were written on oracle bones

4.1.2. Shang Artists made bronze vessels and objects

4.1.3. Shang created a calender from cycles of the moon

4.1.4. Zhou learned to work with iron and used it to make stronger weapons

4.2. Sumerian

4.2.1. Summerians were also famous for their art. For example one of the most famous would be the cylinder seals. These were small stoned cylinders enraved all round with detailed designs.

4.2.2. Some of the architexture of the somerians contain the use of arches, ramps, and colums. these were all evidence on the ziggurats.

4.2.3. Sumerians used many instruments including harps, pipes drums and tambourines.

4.2.4. Only few people were aloud to get an education, in it was usually the children of rich parents.

5. Religion

5.1. Sumerian

5.1.1. The sumerians were polytheistic, or they worshipped many gods. The believed the gods controlled all natural forces

5.1.2. They believed gods were much like humans, they ate, drank, loved and married.

5.1.3. Ziggurats and temples were built to make offerings to the gods

5.1.4. priests held a high status, and were thought of as kings in early society

5.2. Shang/Zhou

5.2.1. Most Shang tombs contained valuable items made of bronze and jade. Each tomb held the remains of hundreds of sacrificed prisioners of war.

5.2.2. Shang believed in an after life in which a ruler would still need his riches and servants.

5.2.3. Shang religion centered on the idea of ansestor worship. They offered gifts to their deceased ancestors to keep them happy.

5.2.4. As part of their worship, the Shang often asked there ancestors for advice.

6. Geography & Agriculture

6.1. Shang/Zhou

6.1.1. Shang was centered on the Huang He River and relied on it in manny ways

6.1.2. The river Provided protection from invasion, acting as a natural barriar

6.1.3. Loess was rich soil that was deposited when the river flooded

6.1.4. The soil along the river valley was very rich, fertile and suitable for growing. Wheat and Millet was often grown

6.2. Sumerian

6.2.1. Sumerian society was rooted in agriculture. The fertile plains of the Tigris and Euphrates were a big part of it.

6.2.2. The Tigris and Euphrates were criss crossed with irrigated fields that were used to harvest crops.

6.2.3. The two rivers were very important to ther summerians, they kept all the crops watered.

6.2.4. The two rivers were also a great source of food and ater.

7. Social Structure & Family Life

7.1. Sumerians

7.1.1. A typical family usuallt consisted of a husband, wife, and children.

7.1.2. Music was very important to sumerians, they used it in their everyday life with instruments.

7.1.3. Husband held power in the family. He was able to divorce with very little reason.

7.1.4. Cildren were generally loved and cared for.

7.2. Shang/Zhou

7.2.1. Peasants barley made it with the little they were provided with from the king's taxes.

7.2.2. Warriors were very powerful at this time.

7.2.3. Overtime, the king lost a great deal of power to high aristocrats.

7.2.4. Kings and Nobles were at the top of the social ladder.