Desmond Mair

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Desmond Mair 저자: Mind Map: Desmond Mair

1. Skeet Shooter

1.1. Hasn't shot in a while but plans on resuming and representing Campion in tournaments and even Jamaica abroad.

1.2. I started when I was in second form.

2. Pro gamer

2.1. My main hobby when I have free time.

2.2. I am very competitive when it comes to playing games I enjoy such as Counter Strike: GO or Borderlands 2

3. Guitarist

3.1. Started about a year ago and is gradually improving every day with practice. I find it relaxing as well

3.2. I don't play well in front of large amounts of people, I get nervous.

4. Logical Thinker

4.1. However has low patience.

4.2. Stubborn but learning to accept mistakes.