Web 2.o Tools

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Web 2.o Tools 저자: Mind Map: Web 2.o Tools

1. Creativity and Innovation

1.1. I Popits

1.1.1. Create a 3-D mini cartoon show. Select a puppet, create the story, and record a show that is ready to share.Create a 3-D mini cartoon show. Select a puppet, create the story, and record a show that is ready to share.

1.2. Wideo

1.2.1. Wideo is an online video creation platform that allows you to make your own awesome animation videos in a fun and easy way

1.3. PicLits

1.3.1. Whether writing phrases, sentences, paragraphs or poems, this Web 2.0 teaching tool helps students think creatively and critically about their writing.

1.4. Glogster

1.4.1. An interactive glog is a wonderful way for students to share their knowledge and can be used across the curriculum. Glogs can be used for book reports, math, science, social studies, language arts, poetry, and public service announcements – almost anything you can think of.

1.5. Powtoons

1.5.1. Students can create animated videos and presentations.

1.6. Prezi

1.6.1. Students create maps of texts, images, videos, PDFs, drawings and present in a nonlinear way. Move beyond the slide.

2. Communication

2.1. Edublogs

2.1.1. Edublogs are a place where student can hold discussions, allows a way to communicate to parents, and the teacher can post documents and homework assignments.

2.2. Twitter

2.2.1. Twitter can be used to review lessons and remind students what is going to be covered in class. Teachers can "tweet" few quick review questions or post some good Web sites to add depth to their lessons. Students can also tweet their own questions.

2.3. Edmodo

2.3.1. Edmodo helps connect all learners with the people and resources

2.4. Wikispaces

2.4.1. Wikis are websites where users can add, modify, or delete its content using a web browser. Wikispaces is one of the most popular platforms for educators.

2.5. Slide share

2.5.1. Students can use this site to communicate with different audiences using digital media and environments. The site allows students to share their work, view other students’ work and make comments.

2.6. Skype

2.6.1. Skype allows you to bring in other educators, students, and guest speakers via free video chatBring in other educators, students, and guest speakers via free video chat..

3. Collaboration

3.1. Wikispaces

3.1.1. Wikispaces allows students the opportunity to create their own blog which they can post ideas and other students can respond by posting comments, thoughts, and opinions to the initial blog. The instructor can review student work and provide feedback in a timely manner.

3.2. Edmodo

3.2.1. One of the many features of Edmoto is the opportunity to post ideas, pictures, or videos in a similar format of other social media outlets such as Facebook. Students are able to build ideas and work through lessons together.

3.3. Google Docs

3.3.1. This tool allows students to create and edit word processor documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and drawings without being in the same physical location. This gives students the opportunity to collaborate on their own time schedule.

3.4. Skype

3.4.1. Skype gives students the opportunity to have face time for brainstorming while being in different locations via audio/video capabilities.

3.5. Twiddla

3.5.1. Twiddla is a web-based brainstorming board which allows students to utilize a 'white board' to collaborate using text, pictures, and video formats.

3.6. Mentor Mob

3.6.1. This tool is a giant collaborative database of 'how to' type guidebooks that could not only be used within a collaboration group, or created by a collaboration group for this database.

4. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

4.1. Socrative

4.1.1. This tool gives teachers the opportunity to gather formative assessment data in real time by utilizing students critical thinking and problem solving skills.

4.2. Edmodo

4.2.1. Another feature of the Edmoto tool is the opportunity to create lessons, assignments, and quizzes within the program which allows students to think critically and problem solve while using this tool.

4.3. MindMiester

4.3.1. Mindmeister gives students the opportunity to look at their thinking and content knowledge in a more visual fashion.

4.4. Webspiration

4.4.1. Students create concept maps. Student can brainstorm, organize information, and develop essays. Webspiration helps with student engagement and promotes higher order thinking skills.

4.5. Scratch

4.5.1. This is a tool to create animated videos which could be used for lessons where students are analyzing and interpreting information into a different format.

4.6. Podomatic

4.6.1. With this tool, students could create their own podcast of content information and/or research projects to share with the teacher or the class.