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Locations 저자: Mind Map: Locations

1. Interview rooms

1.1. We chose to use the interview rooms as they have the sheltered and small size that we want for the trailer. The rooms give us enough space to film but aren't too big that the framing of the scene will be off

1.1.1. To use the interview rooms we wrote a written letter asking permission.

2. Library

2.1. We decided to film in the library as it will allow us to frame the metronome with books which are relevant to therapy making the scene more realistic.

3. Graveyard

3.1. When we first began planning we decided to film in a graveyard however as the planning progressed we decided that it wouldn't fit in the trailer as we were hoping so we decided not to film in the graveyard.

4. Music room

4.1. We decided to film within a music room as they each have a keyboard in but are also still small so that the events which follow the event with the keyboard will appear more enclosed. The rooms are also small enough for us to film but not too big that the framing will be off.