Intimacy Chapter 10

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Intimacy Chapter 10 저자: Mind Map: Intimacy Chapter 10

1. Theoretical Perspectives on Adolescent Intimacy

1.1. According to Sullivan, challenges of adolescence revolve around trying to satisfy changing interpersonal needs

1.1.1. different interpersonal needs surface that lead either to feelings of security or anxiety security that is derived from satisfying relationships is the glue that hold's one's self together distinguish between intimacy and sexuality- capacity for intimacy first develops prior to adol and in the context of same-sex, not other-sex, relationships

2. Development of intimacy in adolescence

2.1. Changes in definitions of frienships- Jealousy: girls show a significant increase in jealousy over friends' friends during early adol (girls friendships on avg do not last as long as boys do) arguments with close friends are more emotional

2.1.1. Changes in Display of Intimacy- people adols interact with online are mainly the same people they interact with offline Conflict Resolution: become more likely to end disagreements by negotiation or disengagement Sex Differences: girls express greater interest in their close friendships, talk more frequently, express greater concern, and place greater emphasis on emotional closeness in their evaluation of romantic partners. Girls prefer to keep their friendships more exclusive Girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel better, whereas boys expect it to be a waste of time Girls more likely than boys to spend excessive time discussing each other's problems= co-rumination

3. Intimacy as an Adolescent Issue

3.1. changes in sexual impulses at puberty provoke interest in sex- leads to development of intimate realtionships

3.1.1. cognitive changes permit adols to establish and maintain relationships characterized by higher levels of empathy, self-disclosure, and sensitivity behavioral independence that often accompanies transition provides greater opportunities for adols to be alone with their friends, engaged in intimate discussion. During preadol and adol relationships gradually transformed from friendly activity oriented friendships to more self-conscious, analytical, and intimate relationships.

4. Dating and Romantic Relationships

4.1. Today dating is more of a recreational activity than in previous eras

4.1.1. Average age people marry about 27 for women 29 for men

4.1.2. high school dating has little to do with courtship or marriage

4.1.3. avg american begins dating 13-14

4.1.4. Most teenagers say they are in charge of the breakup Dating and Development of Intimacy: adolescent romance draw on Sullivan's theory of interpersonal development, attachment theory, and ecological perspectives on development Nature and Significance of Romance: Sullivan- viewed relationships as a context in which intimacy is expressed rather than learned. Adol friendships predictive of quality of romantic relationships For adol girls more than boys early sexual relationships are far more likely to involve love, emotional involvement, and intimacy Girls= further expression of intimacy. Boys= further development of intimacy Sullivan: emergence of romantic relationships occurring after individuals have experienced emotional closeness Attachment theory: differ in the quality of their romantic relationships and they differences are paralleled by differences in the relationships ind have with their parents and peers Ecological perspective: relationships ned to be viewed within the social context in which they occur

5. Intimacy and Psychosocial Development

5.1. adols that have intimate relationships generally have better mental health

5.1.1. close peer relationships are essential part of healthy social development impact of close friends depends of characteristics of these friends being popular less important than have genuine friendships