Airborne Diseases has the power to wipe out the entire human race.

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Airborne Diseases has the power to wipe out the entire human race. 저자: Mind Map: Airborne Diseases has the power to wipe out the entire human race.

1. Airborne diseases can be passed on...

1.1. During close contact.

1.2. Sneeze

1.2.1. When you sneeze the virus of your disease sticks on to other particles of dust, and passed on to others when they breathe.

1.3. Physical contact

2. Types of Airborne Disease

2.1. H1N1

2.1.1. This disease attacked and killed millions of lives through out the world in 2009.

2.2. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

2.3. Tuberculosis

2.4. Chickenpox

2.5. Influenza

2.6. Smallpox

2.7. Anthrax

3. The human race has been threatened many times from airborne diseases

4. The reason that makes airborne disease dangerous.

4.1. Airborne disease travels.

4.2. Their viris spreads.

4.3. It's really easy to get inflected.

5. Why Airborne disease has to be stopped

5.1. If an airborne disease isn't stopped, it will keep on attacking others until there is nothing to attack.

6. Climate Change