William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare 저자: Mind Map: William Shakespeare

1. Products

1.1. To be or not to be

1.2. Othello

1.3. 34 acts

1.4. Købmanden fra Venedig lol

1.5. 154 sonnets

1.6. Julius cæcar

1.7. kong lear

1.8. West side story, based on Romeo and Juliet

1.9. Wrote his plays between 1585 and 1613

1.10. Titus Andronicus (1593)

1.11. Hamlet

1.11.1. Danish prince Tragedy

2. Afterlife

2.1. Leonardo Dicaprio- Romeo

2.2. Movies

2.2.1. Shakespeare in Love

2.3. Edward lembeck danish translater

2.4. Niels Brumse danish translater acts

2.5. Fame

2.5.1. Shakespeare Fans

2.5.2. Most known author in the world, after life

3. Personale life

3.1. His daughter Hamnet died of unknown causes at age 11

3.2. Daughter - Susanna Hall

3.3. Baptise: Startford-Upon-Avon 16/4-1563

3.4. Daughter - Judith Quiney

3.5. Married: Anne Hathaway 1582

3.6. Son - Hamnet Shakespeare

3.7. Part owner:Globe Theatre 1597